Saturday, May 3, 2008

Politically Incorrect, But Funny

Caleb has taken notice of the differences between people, but isn't neccesarily sure what to attribute them to. For example, we recently went to lunch at a Mexican restaurant and upon entering he pronounced in a loud voice, "There sure are a lot of Chinese people in here." Apparently Mexican's and Asian's appear the same to him.
Tonight as we were driving down the rode I noticed the third Obama for President bumper sticker of the day. I said, "Wow. There sure are a lot of people for Obama around here."
Caleb responded, "Is Obama Chinese?"
"No. He's African-American." I replied.
"Who was the first African-American?", he asked.
Not wanting to get into a big discussion, I said,"I think it was Cain."
He said, rather surprised,"John McCain?!!"


Laura/Bridger said...

I love it! He cracks me up.

Karin said...

Funny kid, indeed. He is so observant!

Christa said...

That is too funny! Sydney is always watching the news with Greg and I have often heard her say, "There is Barack Obama again! He wants to be our next countryman."