Saturday, December 13, 2008

What a day!

What do these 4 pictures have in common?
Unfortunately, me. (Except my Suburban is older and the police cars said Caldwell and not Port Angeles).
The other day I took Chloe and Caleb out to Cost Plus to do a quick errand. Chloe fell asleep in the car so when I got there I decide to get her stroller out so she can stay sleeping while we walk through the store. I leave the car running (it's cold) and hop out to get the stroller. When I get around back the back door is locked. I go back to my driver side to push the unlock button and almost trip over Caleb who has hopped out without his coat. Guess what? My drivers door is locked as are all the other doors. Somehow Caleb locked them when he hopped out. My cell phone, purse, Caleb's coat and everything are locked in my running car along with sleeping little Chloe. Caleb and I run into Cost Plus and tell them our predicament. They call 911 and within minutes two police cars show up and tell me they no longer carry slim-jim equipment but the firefighters do and they will be arriving soon. The firefighters then show up in their giant, red, not so inconspicuous truck and go to work on the passenger side and drivers side locks simultaneously. Caleb who has no coat and is too afraid to sit in a warm Police car watches the action from a dining set display inside Cost Plus. I run back and forth between Cost Plus to check on him and the Suburban to make sure Chloe is still okay. The Cost Plus manager was nice enough to give him a gourmet imported root beer (that Caleb later told me tasted like barf). Luckily Chloe never woke up and after 45 minutes of trying to unlock the doors with their expensive 'kit tools', one of the firemen was able to go through the very back window with a coat hanger and hit the unlock button. Oh,what a day.


sarah said...

My favorite part is that the rootbeer tasted like barf. Sad.

Jody said...

That is quite a fun to have the police and the firefighters come to your rescue.

Karin said...

Wow, Katie. Life is just never boring with you (and police cars...) Next time, just give me a call- I could make it to your home, get your extra set of keys and bring them to you all within the given 45 minutes, and in a much more inconspicuous mini van.

NatalieD said...

I'm sure it's an adventure you and Caleb will not soon forget!