Saturday, September 11, 2010

Friday Knight Lights

To say football is a big deal in our new town would be an understatement. The whole town turns out for the Friday night varsity game. As the scoreboard pictured below shows, it was a successful evening for our team who beat their opponents 44 to 7. Carter, #50, is a sophomore but has been able to be in on the special teams and a few other plays for the varsity. Last night he made a key tackle and it was a thrill to hear his name announced over the loud speaker.

I love this shot of the opposing team's bleachers because it shows the surrounding farmland setting for our school's football field. Our first game was last weekend and I found it amusing when the road behind those bleachers filled up with a long line of bailer tractors heading home from the fields, lights flashing and horns honking.
Of course, if you're not quite old enough to suit up in a football uniform or cheerleading outfit, the second best place to be is hanging out with cousins on the sidelines.

Satruday mornings are filled with Grid Kids. Corbin plays on the 5th/6th grade team with Larry as the offensive coordinator.

Here Larry passes on a little last minute coaching before the game, and the big brothers make some final uniform adjustments.

Corbin takes a few final warm-up passes.

Finally, the moment arrives and the teams take the turf.
Unfortunately, this Grid Kid game didn't turn out quite as well as last night's varsity game. They lost by 1 touchdown. Corbin did complete a touchdown pass and made an awesome interception. Chase is playing QB for the 8th grade team and his first game will be in a couple of weeks. He's loving practice and is anxious for his first game.

If anyone is interested in following the Knights Varisty Football, they do broadcast live over the internet. Go to and click on the Royal Knight Sports link toward the bottom left corner of the page. Our bishop and another good friend are the commentators.


just a mom with a camera said...

i love that my kids get to grow up with cousins! and i love that they are such good buddies already!

Jan Hawkes said...

It's wonderful that all your men are such valued participants in the town's #1 activity -- driving heavy equipment down the dirt roads. J/K. I meant football, of course.

Becky Noftle said...

I wish I would have seen your face when the bailers drove by honking!! Although I hear decorating is more dangerous than farm work these days!