Friday, February 29, 2008

RSV=Really Sad Virus

Getting comfort from Daddy.
The big brothers pay a visit.
Celebrating mommy's 36th birthday at the hospital.
Pretty flowers from Grandpa & Grandma Hawkes.
What a week! Our little sweetie, Chloe, was hospitalized for RSV and pneumonia. We were finally released to come home last night as long as we promised to keep her on oxygen while sleeping. The tanks and set up arrived shortly after we did. For well over a month now, our family has been battling bad coughs, sore throats, & occasional fevers. We thought we had it licked, when Caleb started coughing again. Within a few days Chloe also was severely coughing, running a fever and grunting ( a sign of struggling to breathe-which I learned at her birth). I took her to the Dr. and he sent us down to the hospital for chest x-rays, rsv swab test and some blood tests. On our way out to the car, the cell phone rang and it was our Dr. telling us to head in to the Pediatric unit to be admitted. They hooked her up to oxygen, suctioned her, started breathing treatments and an IV of antibiotics and re-hydration and waited for all the test results to come in. Her x-rays indicated something abnormal in her lungs-most likely pneumonia or severe RSV. Poor little lady. She was so lethargic and obviously very sick. She tested positve for RSV and stayed in the hospital until Thursday night. The day after being admitted was my 36th birthday. Not exactly the dream day. That night Bridger, Larry and the boys came by with a gift and cheesecake (thanks Laura), a big shiny balloon and we "celebrated". I loved hearing Larry tell me about waking Caleb up that morning. Caleb squinted, opened one eye, scrunched up his face and proclaimed, "Mom's 36!". What a cutie.
Well, we're happy to be home and anxious to see Chloe back to being herself. We are disappointed we didn't make it to Utah for Nate's wedding today. We wish them the best and would loved to have been there.
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NatalieD said...

We'll keep Chloe in our prayers. It's awful when babies are sick!

Ie Li said...

That's horrible. I hate it when the kids are sick. You must have been so worried!

Karin said...

Aww, those are heartbreaking pictures. That dang oxygen tube taped to her little chubby cheeks. So sad. I say Larry owes you a birthday dinner out- maybe even for Thai again. The pictures are sweet- but I do notice the remote in Larry's hand in the one, and Chase glancing up at the TV in another:) But at least they came to visit, right? Hope this month brings sunny weather and clear lungs. Keep getting better, Chloe. We love you!

Kimberly Hill said...

Katie, we are keeping you and your family in our prayers. Thanks for the update, Chloe is a strong littel girl. Sorry you had such a terrible week. Call if you need to

sarah said...

Poor little Chloe! It's so sad they have to go through that! I'm sad you guys didn't make it to Utah. We still need to have our birthday lunch at Pizzeria 712.