Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring Break. Literally.

Carter's arm pre-surgery is featured above.

Below are the post surgery x-rays showing how the fracture is held together.
Spring Break of the Arm:
9 am on Monday the phone call comes in.
Middle School Nurse says Carter needs to be taken to hospital for potential broken arm. (After seeing the top pic it didn't seem very 'potential' did it? )
Show up at ER again after a 6 hour hiatus. We had returned home at 2 am from an all night IV rehydration session and tests with Chloe. She had been vomiting for 6 hours.
It is determined Carter has suffered a Distal Radial Fracture.
Surgery is needed to repair the damage.
2 pm on Monday Carter goes in for surgery.
6 pm on Monday we take him home and begin post-op care.
No Break at all:
3 am on Tuesday Chloe begins vomiting again.
8 am call her doctor.
9:30 am she sees her doctor.
10:30 am Chloe is admitted to the hospital.

Spring Breaking Bread Together:
After a full day and a half of iv fluids Chloe gets to order some real food. She won't touch the noodles, veggies and sweet potatoes from lunch, so we go for the "good stuff" for dinner and she actually digs in. We're just happy to see her eat.
Big Brother and Little Sister hang at the hospital where I can be with both of them and see to their care. Chloe has to share her food with Carter since he isn't "officially" admitted as a patient.

Spring Break of the Bank:
All of this "fun" will most likely lead to this.
Spring Breakdown:
I am hoping that all of the above won't lead me to one of these.
Next year we will be celebrating SPRING BAK. Notice we are definitely planning on leaving the ER out of it.


Jan Hawkes said...

Considering the high level of stress and low level of sleep you have had this week, I am amazed at your ability to play on words. It is reassuring to know that it takes more than a few bad breaks to crimp your style. Welcome home!

Annee said...

Yeah that was way too clever conscidering all that has gone down in the Christensen house. So is everyone better now? I hope you won't be back to the ER for a good long while. Take care.

Berta Lewis said...

Oh, Katie -- Whew! And then some. A good breakdown is sometimes hard to find. Apparently not for you, girl. You are one hilarious girl, and a lovely mother. I feel for you, Katie, and know that both Chloe and Carter are receiving everything they need, especially their entire family's love and support -- really saying something, with your particular family.
My love to you,

Unknown said...

Life never seems to be dull around your house! I do not know how you keep up with it all. I hope next week you can recover and get some much needed rest!

NatalieD said...

Wow! I hope everyone is on the mend and that you can get some R&R for yourself.

Active Kath said...

I am writing a book on first aid and would love to use your photograph of your broken arm. If this is possible can i ask you to get in touch.
Kind regards

Katherine Wills