Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday Night Football

The males in our family have taken a great interest in football lately. Every night they go outside to play catch, and they are gravitating to the tv more to watch football games. This new interest seems to be brought about by Carter's participation on the middle school team. Corbin brought a book home he wrote, titled, I am a V.I.P. this book is about ME!. The last page of the book reads: "I go to school so that someday I can be a B.Y.U. fooball player. I want to be number 75." If you look at our older posts, you can see what number his older brother happens to be.

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Lisa and Mike Marion said...

That is pretty cute. Is Larry in heaven? Is he reminiscing about his childhood to your boys about the time he could throw the pigskin over the mountain? Does having another girl in the house bring out the testosterone?

Jan Hawkes said...

It is cool that Corbin wants to emulate Carter. I understand the numbers reflect what position they play. I bet Corbin's number will be closer to his Grandpa Christensen's BYU number than to Carter's. That's my prediction.

Jan Hawkes said...

I recognize from the background where they are playing ball. It's great that they have that nice open area and aren't confined to the street in front of the house. Great neighborhood.